Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 3

As you can see, Abigail, is overjoyed to be my subject. I took this one while trying out the portrait setting on the camera. She hates having her picture taken with the flash on, hence her hiding behind her blanket.

Day 2

Here is day 2's picture. 2L bottles are Vinnys favorite toy these days. He likes to take the cap off of the bottle. I figured out how to get the camera working pretty well in automatic mode. I still need more practice with manual mode. I am digging how much faster the SLR camera takes the pictures. With my point and shoot it takes forever for it to actually snap the picture. I still have a very large learning cliff to get over.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Beginning: Day 1

I saw a nifty blog where they challenged people to take a picture a day for a whole year. I thought this was a great idea. I just got a new camera so I figured I would document my journey to learning to use the camera. So I give you day 1. This is my new camera and the various books I either purchased or borrowed from the local library. I will say this camera could very well become self aware and connect to skynet, but I figure if I can raise a set of special needs Twins and work 40 hours a week, I should be able to learn how to operate this camera with 400 buttons, lol.

I will admit it took me 25 minutes to figure out how to turn on the LCD viewing screen, lol.